Crittercam: Interactive Missions

The Overview:
Help National Geographic scientists affix complex camera systems onto the creatures they plan to study—from the relatively small penguin to a humpback whale.

The Site:
Your mission: to affix a camera system to the back of a living creature to capture first “person” views of what those animals see.  But the camera cannot be too heavy, it must be able to withstand the elements, it must be easily attached and just as easily retrieved so the footage can be captured. 

In the interactive versions of the mission, visitors help the scientists construct the camera—choosing from various cameras and lighting options.  And then to properly attach it, whether by harness, suction cups, or adhesives—all with an eye to the safety of the animal to be studied.  The reward?  The unique footage successfully captured.

This project was completed under a grant from the National Science Foundation.

Project completed as an employee of National Geographic.

National Geographic, 2004